20874 patients were treated at the different clinics of the Paz y Bien Medical Office.
In fact, patient care increases each year in our Medical Office. This has been achieved thanks to the great professionalism and the service that our team provides to all the patients who seek in Paz y Bien Medical Office to be attended in the health problems that afflict them, offering thus the following services; Pediatrics, Gynecology, Rehabilitation Clinic, Clinic of the Women, X-Rays, Traumatology, General Medicine, Nutrition Clinic, Psychology Clinic, laboratory tests and room for minor surgery procedures.
Clinical Laboratory

21457 laboratory tests were carried out giving the certainty of the results after the acquisition of high-end equipment and with the latest technology, in addition to allow different laboratory tests which are not performed throughout the Orient of Guatemala.
Nutritional Program
During the year 2021, they were benefited 1112 boys and girls with nutritional care in the rural areas of the municipalities from Quezaltepeque, San Jacinto, Jocotán, Olopa, Camotán and Concepción las Minas. 3347 people received monthly incaparina bags.
Psychological Attention

After not being able to hold face-to-face sessions due to COVID-19, Paz y Bien provided a telephone line for psychological care for women who are users of the program against gender violence. During the year2021, 318 people were served.
Psychology Clinic
In our country, mental health is not given so much importance, generating ignorance on the part of the population, likewise not paying attention to daily problems that can be treated and thus improving people’s quality of life. At Paz y Bien Association, we give it the importance it deserves, providing psychological care through various means.
Psychological evaluation
The psychological evaluation is facilitated by using psychometric tests that help us to assess the problem for which the patient came to the consultation, in order to make a true diagnosis and to be able to apply a treatment plan according to the patient’s needs.
Our mission is to serve a diverse population, through our different channels:
– Face-to-face psychological care
In the Paz y Bien Association office. Each session lasts 45 minutes, the processes may vary in terms of the number of sessions required. Both individual and family care is provided.
– Telephone psychological attention
By phone call to line 2458-2627 or by video call. Each session lasts 45 minutes, the processes may vary in terms of the number of sessions needed.
– Experiential group workshops
In the Paz y Bien Association room, each workshop lasts 2 hours. Materials to be used in the workshop are provided. The workshops are publicized one month in advance in order to obtain a high rate of attendance. We are open to working with other companies or schools, reaching them to carry out the contracted workshops.
– Interviews on radio and television
Through the support of the program Las Buenas Noticias.
Rehabilitation Clinic
The rehabilitation area has meant for many people the hope of a healthy life after the support they have received in their therapies by our professionals in the branch, attending in 2021 to more than 671 people.
Covid-19 Prevention
40 collaborators were vaccinated. All of them belong to the professional team of Paz y Bien.
2021 was transcendental, due to the massive vaccination days against Covid-19 all over the world. In Paz y Bien Association, it was possible to vaccinate for all collaborators, who have their two doses of the vaccine and even the booster dose. This allows our staff to have immunity and be able to attend the needs of the population knowing that they do not put at risk the life of the users who approach Paz y Bien.
Rural Health

450 adults received free medical care. 675 girls and boys were cared for by our professionals. 850 medicines
were delivered free of charge
By means of “Health for All”, as a result of the continuity of the agreement with the savings and credit cooperative COOSAJO, 3500 patients have benefited with free consultations.
Access to health in rural areas was strongly affected by having an increased budget to combat Covid-19, limiting resources for providing care of doctors in other health problems. To this we must add the limitation of not having public transport, that made it impossible for a sick person to go to the center health of the urban area. Therefore, Paz y Bien found a way in order to continue with the Rural Health program, through which a doctor or a team moved to the communities to carry out the necessary checks and delivery of medications as needed.