Communication Department
53 radio and 43 television programs were produced,
159 interviews and more than 326 recordings, 98
posters and institutional designs and around 4816
photographs were taken during 2021
The communication department has been consolidated during 2021 maintaining quality and professionalism in the institutional communication of the Asociación Paz y Bien in Guatemala. It has been notorious a growth in social networks, greater effectiveness in the coverage of activities and the production of the program Las Buenas Noticias (“The Good News”), one of the projects with the greatest acceptance by viewers and radio listeners of the stations and channels that broadcast our programs weekly.
We thank for their support in disseminating our programs to Radio Shekina Stereo, La Voz del Señor of Esquipulas, El Poder de Esquipulas, Radio Lobos or Radio Olopa.
As for television, we thank to Channel 5 of Cable Fácil Digital, Channel 13 Tlcom and Tv Olopa.
Notes in written media
External media coverage to Paz y Bien has been very important in order to publicize the work that is being performed by the association. It shows during the year 2021 notes for three written media, regarding the different projects that are worked, in Nuestro Diario, El Periódico, Orient News and Gráfico de Oriente.
Institutional Relations
During 2021, a visit was made to the media of communication that transmit weekly our program Las Buenas Noticias, what allowed strengthen support ties: Channel 5 of Cable Fácil, Channel 13 of Tlcom, Channel TV Olopa, as well as continuity with the stations of Radio Lobos, El Poder of Esquipulas, Shekina Estereo, La Voz del Señor of Esquipulas.
The recording set of the program Las Buenas Noticias was the space to interview different personalities who shared information regarding the work they do from their spaces and themes of interest. We can mention the visit of the president of CONADI, the Director of the Center of Health of Quezaltepeque, the Sergeant of Military Reserves, representatives of foundations, and our fellow doctors, who always were willing to share different topics in the program.
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